Kalma mattress goes on the market with a message about the importance of sleep

Kalma, manufactured by Sabicol Colchones, is the first mattress with ecological properties and customizable for any stage of your life. Therefore, on the occasion of the launch of our new mattress to the market, we wanted to take the opportunity to send a message about the importance of rest.

Kalma, the mattress for those who are looking for a break from life not only physically but also mentally.

It is the union of great values, a mattress made with the best ecological foams and a new manufacturing system that allows you to have different sensations in your mattress. We have developed our best mattress with different materials. By the composition of the materials, densities and weights if we modify the placement of the plates we can define a personalized feeling in the rest. We believe that it is impossible for a mattress to be perfect for everyone because we are all different, so the possibility of modification allows us to make you as you are, be comfortable resting on a Kalma mattress.

Sabicol Colchones created this project breaking the barrier that a mattress is the same for everyone. Kalma modifies the feel and the core of the mattress to make a unique mattress.

Instead of making a launch campaign to use, focused on the features of the mattress, the company wanted to send a little reminder to people about how important it is to rest, especially at times like these.

Manuel Nieves, Commercial Director of Kalma: "We Spaniards are very aware of how important it is to take care of our health through diet and sport, but we forget how important it is to rest. That is why, at this complicated time, we wanted to remind ourselves how necessary it is to rest".

The campaign called: "A campaign in which nothing happens", has been created by the creative agency Bravísimos and the creative idea is precisely to make a campaign in which nothing happens.

Pedro Parias, Bravísimos Creative Director: "Right now it's difficult to isolate ourselves from the constant noise, there's new news every day. That's why, when there are so many things going on, you almost want to see something where nothing happens. That's how the idea for the campaign was born".

The campaign tries to capture and reflect a moment of calm, using images of nature, always from the subjective point of view of someone lying among plants. Without music, effects or voice, this is an unconventional campaign.

The campaign consists of a spot and graphics.